1. Stanford Director of Stem Cell Biology Garry Nolan has concluded thus far' that Ata is "humanoid". Humanoid is defined in Webster's dictionary as the following:Main Entry: hu·man·oidPronunciation: \ˈhyü-mə-ˌnȯid, ˈyü-\
Function: adjective
Date: 1918
: having human form or characteristics <humanoid dentition> <humanoid robots>
— humanoid noun]
2. Stanford Director of Stem Cell Biology Garry Nolan has concluded that we are closer related to Ata than Monkeys.
3. DNA analysis has concluded Ata was male.
4. DNA analysis has concluded Ata was between 6-8 years of age at time of death.
5. Stanford Director of Stem Cell Biology Garry Nolan has dated the time of death within the last 100 years.
6. DNA analysis has concluded part of the DNA is of Chilean descent.
7. X-Rays confirmed Ata has only 10 ribs.
8. Stanford Director of Stem Cell Biology Garry Nolan and Scientists also from Stanford have both concluded that the head and eyes can not be medically classified.
9. Ata was found in the Chile's Atacama Desert.
10. Ata is 13 centimeters long.
11. Stanford Director of Stem Cell Biology Garry Nolan is still working towards better understanding the DNA sequences that don't seem to fit. For updates please click here.
12. This movie is based off of Dr. Steven M. Greer's book Hidden Truth, Forbidden Knowledge.
This documentary really begs the question-
Does classifying Ata as human really matter if we descended from it?
Alien is human if human is alien.
xoxo disaster girl