Disaster Kit Recommendations
- Generally speaking clouds that are high and white colored mean good weather, whereas clouds that are dark and low indicate bad weather.
- Clouds that are visibly moving in different directions (I.E. Some moving West to East VS East to West) means bad weather is coming.
- High wispy like clouds (Cirrus) usually mean bad weather within the next thirty-six hours.
- If there is dew in the grass in the early morning it's not likely that it will rain that day, whereas if there isn't dewy it means it will likely be cloudy and may rain.
- A red sky in the morning usually means rain on the way, whereas a red tinged sky at night means the weather will be nice.
- If you see a rainbow in the western sky, rain is likely on the way, to the east- it has already passed you.
- If birds are flying high, good weather is present. If the birds start flying low, or perching it usually means low pressure system is on the way.
- Chances are if you smell and/or hear the outdoors more than you normally do, rain is on the way.
- If smoke moves straight up, good weather will stay. If the smoke moves up and then gets pushed down or sideways a storm is likely approaching.
- Any storm systems in the west have likely not made it to you yet and will. Whereas storms that lie to the east have likely already passed you by.
- If there's a ring around the moon, there's moisture in the air.
- Leaves that are facing upwards (with the darker side facing the sun) mean good weather, whereas if the lighter side was visible you should expect some rainy/windy weather.
- You can tell the temperature by counting a crickets chirps. Count the chirps for 14 seconds and then add 40 to the number, the temperature should be right within a couple of degrees.
- A late night temperature rise usually means a storms approaching.
- Wind blowing east to west mean an approaching front and winds blowing west to east mean good weather.
- Wood and natural materials tend to swell before a storm arrives.
- Cloud cover on a winter night means a milder morning, whereas clear nights often give way to cooler mornings.
Clouds can tell you a great deal about
what kind of weather to expect:
- Cumulonimbus/Altonimbus/Nimbus/Mammatus/Nimbostratus clouds means bad weather.
- Cirrus/Altocumulus clouds mean bad weather in the next couple days.
- Cirrus/Altocumulus clouds in the same day means bad weather tomorrow.
- Cumulus clouds usually mean good weather.
- Stratus clouds usually mean a chance of rain/snow.
Happy Forecasting!
(&& Remember not be be as hard on yourself as you are on the Weather Man ;)
xoxo disaster girl