September 28, 2013

Where's the Gold? - Federal Reserve Refuses German Gold Audit

Federal Reserve Refuses Gold Audit
Tells Germany to Come Back in 2020

This news comes 8 months after Germany announced that it was going to relocate 674 tons of gold held at both the New York Federal Reserve Bank and the Banque de France in Paris. Apparently Germany asked to see its gold and the Federal Reserve said no, citing:  'No Room For Visitors'. Germany wasn't giving up though, so they sent staff to visit the reserves, but the Federal Reserve would only let them see 5-6 gold bars- and nothing else. Germany wasn't having that though so they sent another team in. On the third attempt the Federal Reserve permitted Germany to see only 1 of the 9 rooms that held their gold, they were also not allowed to enter the room or touch the gold. And then the Federal Reserve REALLY told Germany to come back in 2020.

Yes people, this is real- and it looks like those conspiracy theories about the  New York Federal Reserve and Fort Knox hold more water now than they did before. They very well may not have much gold in either facility, or the gold that is there very well may be fake

I honestly just don't even know what to make of this. If there's no gold in the Federal Reserve and all US currency is just a Federal Reserve Note, than isn't the dollar worthless? [See previous article from 2011: "The US Dollar’s Not Worth The Paper It’s Printed on." -Gerald Celente]

We may never know if gold actually is in the Federal Reserve either, as it has only been audited 'once' in its almost a hundred year history. As for Fort Knox, the last time it was officially audited was in 1953- an audit that contained no outside experts and only tested five percent of the bars housed there. There is voiced speculation from several US politicians as well, with many stating over the last couple of years that there may be little to no gold in either locations, demanding a public audit and testing of any gold found. The Federal Reserve has continued to refuse allowing such measures.

In closing, there are a few things that you should note. If there's no gold, there's no value to money. If there's no value to money, paychecks have no meaning and 9-5er's are fruitless. It would mean the entire collapse of the financial systems of the world and it would quite frankly be a fitting disaster scenario needed to end the Information Age Facade. Ignorance will not be bliss.

When money fails, humanity returns to bartering.
Keep Your Supplies Up!

xoxo disaster girl

P.F.S. Back Articles

September 23, 2013

Special Shout Out to My Namesake, Tropical Cyclone Haley (2013)

Tropical Cyclone Haley
February 7th-11th 2013

Tropical Storm Haley Satellite Image
Tropical Storm Haley Track

 Tropical Storm Haley was first spotted by RSMC Nadi (Fiji Meteorological Service) on February 7th 2013 east of Cook Island. She was a short lived storm only sticking around for 3 days, topping out as a Tropical Cyclone (Our Tropical Storm/Low Cat. 1 Hurricane).

xoxo disaster girl 

September 19, 2013

Small Tsunami Hits the Jersey Shore, Everyone Shrugs


"Tsunami-like waves were observed along the US east coast during the afternoon of June 13, 2013 (day 164). The source is complex and still under review, though the coincidence at several gages with strong atmospheric pressure fluctuations indicate that it is at least partly generated by meteorological causes. The event occurred in close conjunction with a weather system labeled by the National Weather Service as a low-end derecho which propagated from west to east over the New Jersey shore just before the tsunami. It is also possible that the slumping at the continental shelf east of New Jersey played a role. The tsunami was observed at over 30 tide gages and one DART buoy throughout the Northwestern Atlantic Ocean.
This event produced a tsunami that was recorded at tide gages monitored by the West Coast/Alaska Tsunami Warning Center (WCATWC). Many observatories provide data to the centers; such as the NOAA National Ocean Service, the U. of Hawaii Sea Level Center, the Chilean Navy, the Japan Meteorological Agency and the National Tidal Facility in Australia among others. " -Full Statement Here

'Tsunami-like waves were seen along the US east coast on June 13, 2013. What caused the storm is not fully understood at the moment and still being figured out, we did have several shore lined weather gauges that picked up something. The wave was partly caused by the weather. The wave happened around the same time a straight-lined storm was seen on radar, and warnings were issued for. The shape of the ocean floor may have helped too. We picked it up on over 30 ocean buoys and said nothing until after it happened.
Whatever actually happened plus the weather caused a tsunami, and was recorded at our center. We get info from a bunch of places."

So why weren't any warnings issued?
We will never really know. The reasons why tsunami warnings are issued is highly complex as is it, so perhaps in the end they either 1. Felt warnings weren't necessary, or 2. Didn't know until after the fact. Either way, if there is a small tsunami- you apparently may not get a warning. Below are some helpful tips to help you spot the makings of a tsunami, and also help you survive if you ever have the unfortunate luck of meeting one face to face.


1. A tsunami is not a single wave, in fact it is actually a series of waves. It is also known by the name 'wave train'.
2. A tsunami can be incredibly long, sometimes spanning as much as 60 miles. The waves may also be very spread out, and occur as much as an hour apart from each other. They can also travel incredible distances, traveling thousands of miles at speeds up to 500 MPH before reaching a destination. Once the destination has been reached flooding can spread as far inland as a thousand feet or more. Generally speaking most tsunamis reach only a height of 10 FT, but they can still cause a significant amount of damage.
3. Tsunamis are typically created by earthquakes although landslides, volcanic eruptions, and meteor impacts can also be the culprits of such large waves.
4. The Pacific Ocean is the most active ocean when it comes to tsunamis.


1. Many people who have experienced a tsunami say that the oncoming wave sounds like that of a freight train.
2. Because earthquakes usually cause tsunamis, they tend to be a great way to have an advanced warning. If you have heard about a larger earthquake that shares an ocean with you, look up whether any warnings have been issued. West Coast & Alaska Tsunami Warning Center , Pacific Tsunami Warning Center
3. Many people who have witnessed a tsunami say that there is frequently a noticeable drop/rise in sea levels. So if the ocean suddenly recedes, head for higher ground.
4. Remember it's not just one wave and there are probably more on the way. Seek higher ground, and if safe continue to seek even higher ground. The first wave isn't always the 'worst' wave.
5. Stay away from all bodies of water that connect to the ocean as well, as they can also become heavily flooded and experience large waves as well.
6. Always try to have some type of emergency kit with you! Throw a small first aid kit, a bottle of water and a couple of food bars in your bag!
7. Some people believe that your pets can tell when something is off in the environment. All different types of animals have been reported as acting 'funny' (I.E. all dogs barking, large flocks of birds fleeing in one direction, etc) before many different natural disasters.

Consider this your warning.
xoxo disaster girl

September 14, 2013

The Secret Congress Bunker in Greenbrier Resort

The Secret Congress Bunker

Front Entrance of The Greenbrier Resort Via NPR
Image of Bunker Door Via NPR
Rows and Rows of Beds Via NPR
Food Supply Storage Via NPR

Late in the 1950s, during a time when fallout shelters were becoming popular, Congress hid a bunker in the Greenbrier Resort. The bunker was hidden for over 30 years until it was 'uncovered' in 1992 by the Washington Post. (Honestly? Congress was probably already done building their next bunker in 1992, and was just trying to make a little money back- or distract from where the new bunker had been built.) Although the reporters who 'broke' this story claim to be heroes, they are largely viewed as a bunch of idiots who wasted a bunch of taxpayer dollars trying to get 'the big story'.

The place is pretty cool though and the NPR digital audio and article is very well done, detailing the back story of the bunker, the clues found over the years, etc. (My favorite being the random TV technicians working for 'Forsyth Associates' who could be found at Greenbrier, who were actually undercover government agents tasked with keeping the bunker up-to-date.)

Today the government is making its money back by turning the shelter into many things. The Greenbrier Bunker which used to have such a momentous use is now a tourist attraction, a data storage center, and has been used as a conference location on many occasions. Such a sad shame to see something so incredible go misused.

The US government has apparently built a lot more bunkers since 2000 too, as the article states:

"In a groundbreaking series of reports in 2010, Washington Post reporters Bill Arkin and Dana Priest revealed that 33 building complexes for top-secret intelligence work are under construction or have been built in Washington, D.C., and the surrounding area since September 2001." -NPR

So don't worry, Congress still has bunker to run to..
And we can vacation in this one.

xoxo disaster girl

September 10, 2013

20 Things I Learned in Disaster Movies

20 Things I Learned in Disaster Movies
(That actually turned out to be True)

1.  Volcanoes can boil lakes, just like in the tar pits in Volcano, it has been witnessed many times at The Boiling Lake in Dominica's Morne Trois Pitons National Park.

2.  If you're flying through extremely cold weather, the fuel in your lines CAN freeze- although not as quickly as in The Day After Tomorrow. It happened to a flight in 2008 traveling from China to London.

3.  Volcanic eruptions can cause bridges to be wiped out, just like in Dante's Peak. This is caused by lahars, which are caused by melting snow mixing with dirt causing mudslides. Here's a 2007 example.

4.  1000 foot tsunamis can happen, in fact one hit Alaska within the last hundred years. Here's a link to my 2012 article on it!

5.  You really should watch lava bombs to see where they're going, especially if they shoot up into the sky like in Volcano. Click here for a first hand account.

6.  Tornadoes can skip houses like in Twister, but it may be more of an optical illusion. Tornadoes 'skipping' houses.

7.  Volcanic activity can cause trees and wildlife to die, just like in Dante's Peak. Although it is not a 'foolproof' precursor.

8.  Cruise ships can be toppled by tsunamis and rouge waves like in 2012, it happened in 2010 in the Mediterranean Sea.

9.  Water supplies can become contaminated because of volcanic activity as seen in Dante's Peak. See here.

10.  Earthquakes can be precursors (and vice versa) for sinkholes, just like in the beginning of 2012. It happened in Louisiana this year.

11.  If you live near a volcano and the water or area around it smells like an initially lit matchstick or rotten eggs, it's sulfur! Don't drink it and send Pierce Brosnan a thank you card.

12.  Pay phones work longer in disasters because they draw they're power directly from the phone line, brought to you in part by The Day After Tomorrow.

13.  Volcanos can turn lakes into acid like in Dante's Peak, but it probably won't eat your boat- it happened during El Chincho's eruption in 1983.

14.  Giant hail like in 2012's Tokyo scene really does happen! See Here.

15. There aren't just tornadoes, there are also: sisters, waterspouts, fire whirls, dust devils, gustnadoes, landspouts and snownadoes. Thanks Helen Hunt!

16.  While an volcanic eruption can't be stopped, it's lava flows can be stopped and channeled. There have been several instances of this Volcano scene all over the world.

17.  The machines used in Twister, more accurately 'Dorothy' is a very real thing, and it didn't really work out too well just like in the movie!

18.  The human species can survive an ice age, just like in 2012 and The Colony. In fact we've already survived two.

19.  Never fly an aircraft during a volcanic eruption, you can crash just like in Dante's Peak. Here's an example from 1982.

20.  Those giant pyroclastic clouds from 2012 and Dante's Peak? Yup, they're real too.

Amy: Sometimes magma can find one of those fissures and rise up through it.
Roark: What's magma?
Rachel: Lava.
Roark: Lava? Right here in L.A?
Amy: It is one of the possibilities.
Roark: We have a history of that here in the downtown area?
Rachel: Paracutin... 1943, a Mexican farmer sees smoke coming out of the middle of his cornfield. A week later there's a volcano a thousand feet high. There's no history of anything until it happens. Then there is.

xoxo disaster girl

September 9, 2013

Florida is Running out of Sand, Donations Welcome


Okay, please excuse the humorous nature of this post as this is a serious issue and all, but come on.. this is hilarious. Florida is running out of sand, because of well- hurricanes, tides and rising sea levels, too many docks, and too many damned tourists taking bottles of sand home with them.  Apparently this has been going on for quite a long time (I always thought Florida seemed to be getting smaller on maps), as we've been outsourcing sand from inland instead. (Or is that in-sourcing? God, I'm confused. [Side note: this is probably why Florida has so many sinkholes.])

The news comes now, only because the Army Corps of Engineers has apparently sucked all the sand out of inland Florida:
""We're running out of sand off-shore, we've pretty much vacuumed everything up," Stephen Leatherman of Florida International University told NBC." -Via Huffington Post
So Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach Counties need your help. Florida will just get smaller and smaller with all the storms and eventually you may have to vacation and retire elsewhere. Nobody wants that, so please send us some sand. Any kind will do, apparently even crushed up recycled glass is fine (Remember to bring shoes next time your at Miami Beach).


All jokes aside, if this new recycled glass-sand is soft, it is an incredibly genius idea.
And as Eric Meyers perfectly stated it's "Recycling in its purest".

xoxo disaster girl

September 3, 2013